Registration Policy
Group lessons: A minimum $25 non-refundable deposit per person is payable at registration, with the total due at or before the first class. Payment is nonrefundable. (If you must cancel for a documented medical reason, we will credit or refund the remainder of the session, minus the $25 deposit.) Attendance is the student’s responsibility; missed classes are not refundable. Out of respect for your teachers and partners, please do your best to let us know in advance if you will miss a class. If you miss a class, you can come on another day (with your partner) if your class is offered more than once a week. Otherwise, there is always a teacher present at our practices who will be happy to take you aside and give a quick review of what you missed.
*No deposit is required for the beginner free trial class.
Private lessons: Lesson schedules are arranged at an agreed-upon time between instructor and student. If a student fails to show up for a lesson or cancels with less than 24 hours notice, the instructor reserves the right to charge the student for the missed lesson.
By signing up for classes at MonTango, you agree to follow any and all health protocols in effect, including but not limited to hand-washing, mask-wearing and presentation of proof of vaccination (no protocols currently in effect). You also agree not to come to class if you have flu or Covid symptoms such as fever or cough, or a positive Covid test result. Also, as you know, tango is danced in couples and in close proximity. Out of respect for the sensitivities of others, please pay attention to personal hygiene, breath and body odours as well as the quantity of perfume and other products you may use.
MonTango accepts no responsibility for injury, illness, theft or loss caused during classes or while participants are at or near the dance studio or at any event organized by MonTango, Connexion Tango or Tanguerafest.